If you need to update your shipping address after placing an order, it’s essential to act quickly. The first thing you should do is contact the seller directly through the platform’s messaging system. Provide the seller with the correct shipping address and include your Order ID to help them locate your order more easily.
It's important to note that the shipping address can only be updated if the seller has not yet printed the shipping label or shipped the item. If the seller is still processing the order, they can update the address and confirm the change with you.
Once a shipping label has been printed or the order has been marked as shipped, the address cannot be changed. At this point, the package is already in the shipping process. You may need to contact the shipping carrier (e.g., USPS, FedEx, UPS) directly to see if they offer address rerouting services. Keep in mind that rerouting is not always available, and it may incur additional fees. It is also not guaranteed that the carrier will be able to make the change.
Accurate information is crucial when updating an address. Be sure to double-check all details, including the postal code, apartment number, and any other important address information, before sending the updated address to the seller.
In cases where the package has already been shipped to the wrong address, and the carrier does not offer rerouting, the package may be returned to the seller, or it may be delivered to the wrong location. If the package is delivered to an incorrect address, you will need to work with the seller and the carrier to determine the next steps. You can also reach out to support to see how we can help