Please remember that sellers put in work an effort and time to stream, pack and ship your orders. If you happen to be outside the US, it is your responsibility to adhere to your country's import and custom rules when making international purchases.
International orders cannot be canceled or returned once they are shipped. If customs fees are not paid, or if the package is rejected or abandoned due to these fees, refunds are not guaranteed. The outcome depends on Drip's refund policies and must be addressed through Drip support.
Abandoning or Rejecting a Package Due to Customs Fees
If you choose not to pay customs duties or taxes, or if you refuse delivery, the package may:
Be returned to the seller if the shipping carrier allows for returned shipments.
Be considered abandoned by customs, which can result in the package being destroyed, auctioned, or disposed of according to the destination country's regulations.
In either case, the shipping fees you paid during checkout will not be refunded.
Refund Eligibility
Refunds for the item price depend on Drip’s policies and the specific circumstances of the situation - there is no guarantee of getting a refund. If the package is returned to the seller because you have rejected the delivery due to custom duties. However, you can contact Drip Support to request a refund evaluation. Refunds may be issued only if:
The package is returned to the seller in good condition.
The item is eligible for a return per Drip’s return policy.
However, even if the item price is refunded, the original shipping costs are non-refundable.
Steps to Take If your package has been held by customs or you have rejected the delivery:
Contact Drip Support with your order details and tracking number.
Provide any documentation or proof requested by the support team.
Wait for confirmation from Drip about the refund status.
To prevent customs-related complications:
Research your country’s import fees, taxes, and policies before placing an international order.
Be prepared to pay any customs fees promptly to avoid delays or abandonment of the package.
Reach out to Drip Support before shipment if you have concerns about customs charges or eligibility for refunds.
All refund decisions are subject to Drip's policies, and it is recommended to resolve any issues through their support team to ensure a fair resolution.